ECCOMAS Awards 2016

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z poniższą informacją dotyczącą Nagród ECCOMAS:

please find attached the ECCOMAS call for tenders for the 2016 edition of the Ritz-Galerkin,
the Prandtl and the Euler Medals, as well as the O. C. Zienkiewicz Award for
Young Scientists in Computational Engineering Sciences, and J.
L. Lions Award
for Young Scientists in Computational Mathematics, awarded by
the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and
Engineering (ECCOMAS).

Deadline for receiving candidates for the Awards is February 19, 2016.
However, at this stage of the process for the 2016 ECCOMAS Awards selection
only the name and the affiliation of the candidate in addition to the name
of the nominator is needed. At a later stage nomination sheets will be asked

Oryginalne zawiadomienia:
Ritz-Galerkin, Prandtl and Euler Medals 2016
Zienkiewicz and Lions Awards 2016